Internetbaserad psykologisk behandling – från innovation till implementering

Vi har precis publicerat en artikel i World Psychiarty (impact factor = 30!). I artikeln ger vi en historiebeskrivning från de första stapplande studierna till dagens senaste rön och hur dessa numera används i klinisk praxis runt om i världen. Läs den gärna – artikeln är öppen och gratis för alla! En liten kort historik: Internetbehandling … Läs mer!

Internet‐delivered psychological treatments: from innovation to implementation

Internet interventions, and in particular Internet‐delivered cognitive behaviour therapy (ICBT), have existed for at least 20 years. In a new paper, that was just published in World Psychiarty (impact factor = 30!), we review the treatment approach and the evidence base, arguing that ICBT can be viewed as a vehicle for innovation. ICBT has been developed and tested … Läs mer!

A review of cyberbullying and suggestions for online intervention

Investigations of cyberbullying are beginning to emerge in the scientific literature because of their implications for child and adolescent development. In particular, cyberbullying victimisation has been associated with similar negative consequences to traditional or face-to-face bullying such as lower academic achievement, anxiety, and sometimes even suicide. Research has also started to emerge investigating the impact … Läs mer!