Konstruktiv självhävdelse: Nyckeln till bättre psykisk hälsa

Update (2023-07-15) : Nu kan du gratis ta del av allt material via: https://100respekt.se Vi har precis publicerat en artikel i tidskriften Internet Interventions. I studien undersökte vi effektiviteten av en internetbaserad intervention. Kursen var speciellt utformad för att öka förmågan att våga stå upp för sig själv, vilket är en central del i kognitiv … Läs mer!

Det finns 11 olika typer av jämförelsegrupper – så väljer du rätt!

Hundratals randomiserade kontrollerade studier har testat behandlingseffekten av olika mobilappar vid psykologiska problem (mHealth). Dessa studier har använt en rad olika kontrollgrupper (t ex väntelista, minimal uppmärksamhetskontroll, psykologisk placebo). Valet av kontrollgrupp påverkar dramatiskt vilka vetenskapliga slutsatser som kan dras från en given studie. Tyvärr saknas helt praxis inom mHealth. Ett av problemen blir att … Läs mer!

Comparing internet-delivered cognitive therapy and behavior therapy with telephone support for insomnia disorder: a randomized controlled trial

Our aim was to compare the effects of Internet-delivered cognitive therapy (CT) and behavior therapy (BT) against a waitlist (WL) condition to better understand their unique contribution in the treatment of insomnia. Methods Two hundred and nineteen participants with insomnia disorder were randomized to CT (n = 72), BT (n = 73), or WL (n = 74). The … Läs mer!

The efficacy of app‐supported smartphone interventions for mental health problems: a meta‐analysis

Today we published a new paper in World Psychiatry (impact factor = 34). Although impressive progress has been made toward developing empirically‐supported psychological treatments, the reality remains that a significant proportion of people with mental health problems do not receive these treatments. Finding ways to reduce this treatment gap is crucial. Since app‐supported smartphone interventions … Läs mer!

Consequences of ignoring therapist effects in trials with longitudinal data: A simulation study

Psychotherapy trials frequently generate multilevel longitudinal data with 3 levels. This type of hierarchy exists in all trials in which therapists deliver the treatment and patients are repeatedly measured. Unfortunately, researchers often ignore the possibility that therapists could differ in their performance and instead assume there is no difference between therapists in their average impact … Läs mer!

Immersive 3D exposure-based treatment for spider fear: A randomized controlled trial

Stereoscopic 3D gives the viewer the same shape, size, perspective and depth they would experience viewing the real world and could mimic the perceptual threat cues present in real life. This is the first study to investigate whether an immersive stereoscopic 3D video exposure-based treatment would be effective in reducing fear of spiders. Participants with … Läs mer!

Individually tailored internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with anxiety and depression

Mixed anxiety and depression is common among older adults (those 60 years and older). Internet-supported cognitive behaviour therapy (ICBT) has been tested for a range of conditions, and one approach is to tailor the treatment according to each client’s symptoms and preferences. The aim of the study was to compare the effects of an eight-week-long … Läs mer!

Treating procrastination: Treatment delivered via the Internet VS. Group therapy

Procrastination is a common problem among university students, with at least half of the population reporting great difficulties initiating or completing tasks and assignments. Procrastination can have a negative impact on course grades and the ability to achieve a university degree, but can also lead to psychological distress. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is believed to … Läs mer!

Behavioral Activation vs. Physical Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial

In a new study that was accepted today we had randomized 286 participants with major depression into one of five conditions. 1) physical activity without a treatment rational, 2) physical activity with a treatment rational, 3) Lewinshon’s model of behavioral activation, 4) Martell’s model of behavioral activation, or 5) wait-list control. All groups (including the … Läs mer!

Combining SSRI and cognitive behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are often used concomitantly to treat social anxiety disorder (SAD), but few studies have examined the effect of this combination. We conducted a study to evaluate if adding escitalopram to Internet-delivered CBT (ICBT) improves clinical outcome and alters brain reactivity and connectivity in SAD. It … Läs mer!