Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for depression, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder: Effectiveness and predictors of response in a teaching clinic

Though therapist-guided Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) appears to be efficacious for depression, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder, relatively little is known about real-world settings and predictors of treatment effects derived from cognitive-behavioral theory. We examined treatment effectiveness and predictors of improvement in a prospective cohort study where patients took part in 10 weeks … Läs mer!

Stepped care versus face-to–face CBT for panic disorder and social anxiety disorder

Today a manuscript entitled “Stepped care versus face-to–face cognitive behavior therapy for panic disorder and social anxiety disorder: Predictors and moderators of outcome” was published in the journal Behaviour Research and Therapy. In that paper we wanted to investigate predictors and moderators of treatment outcome by comparing immediate face-to-face cognitive behavioral therapy (FtF-CBT) to a Stepped … Läs mer!