Psychometric properties the Jonsson-Abbott Scale

Traditionally, gambling and problem gambling research relies on cross-sectional and retrospective designs. This has compromised identification of temporal relationships and causal inference. To overcome these problems a new questionnaire, the Jonsson-Abbott Scale (JAS), was developed and used in a large, prospective, general population study, The Swedish Longitudinal Gambling Study (Swelogs). The JAS has 11 items … Läs mer!

Multi-center mega-analysis of brain structure in social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a prevalent and disabling mental disorder, associated with significant psychiatric co-morbidity. Previous research on structural brain alterations associated with SAD has yielded inconsistent results concerning the direction of the changes in gray matter (GM) in various brain regions, as well as on the relationship between brain structure and SAD-symptomatology. These … Läs mer!

Internet-based stress management for distressed managers: results from a randomised controlled trial

The aim of our new randomised controlled trial (RCT) was to evaluate the efficacy of a guided internet-based stress management intervention (iSMI) among distressed managers compared with a attention control group (AC) with full access to treatment-as-usual. A total sample of 117 distressed managers, mainly employed in the healthcare, IT, communication and educational sector, were … Läs mer!

Treating procrastination: Treatment delivered via the Internet VS. Group therapy

Procrastination is a common problem among university students, with at least half of the population reporting great difficulties initiating or completing tasks and assignments. Procrastination can have a negative impact on course grades and the ability to achieve a university degree, but can also lead to psychological distress. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is believed to … Läs mer!

Behavioral couples therapy for Problem Gamblers and Concerned Significant Others

Problem gambling creates significant harm for the gambler and for concerned significant others (CSOs). While several studies have investigated the effects of individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for problem gambling, less is known about the effects of involving CSOs in treatment. Behavioral couples therapy (BCT) has shown promising results when working with substance use disorders … Läs mer!

Is the Devil in the Detail? Two Randomized Controlled Trials of Guided Internet Based CBT for Perfectionism

Being highly attentive to details can be a positive feature. However, for some individuals, perfectionism can lead to distress and is associated with many psychiatric disorders. Cognitive behavior therapy has been shown to yield many benefits for those experiencing problems with perfectionism, but the access to evidence-based care is limited. The current study investigated the … Läs mer!

Internet-Based Vestibular Rehabilitation for Older Adults With Chronic Dizziness

Vestibular rehabilitation is an effective intervention for dizziness due to vestibular dysfunction, but is seldom provided. We aimed to determine the effectiveness of an Internet-based vestibular rehabilitation program for older adults experiencing dizziness in primary care. We undertook a single-center, single-blind randomized controlled trial comparing an Internet-based vestibular rehabilitation intervention (Balance Retraining, freely available from … Läs mer!

Combining SSRI and cognitive behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are often used concomitantly to treat social anxiety disorder (SAD), but few studies have examined the effect of this combination. We conducted a study to evaluate if adding escitalopram to Internet-delivered CBT (ICBT) improves clinical outcome and alters brain reactivity and connectivity in SAD. It … Läs mer!

En självutlämnande internetterapeut ger bättre depressionsbehandling?

Vi har analyserat 664 e-postmeddelanden i en depressionsbehandling. Mejlen kom från 5 internetterapeuter och skickades till totalt 42 olika patienter. Det är sedan länge känt att internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi kan vara effektiv vid depression. Men för att nå bäst resultat bör det finnas en internetterapeut som vägleder. När Socialstyrelsen rekommenderar internetbehandling står det till och … Läs mer!

Guided Internet-based vs. face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy for psychiatric and somatic disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Today our new meta-analysis was published in World Psychiatry (Impact Factor:12.846). Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) has been tested in many research trials, but to a lesser extent directly compared to face-to-face delivered cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of trials in which guided ICBT was directly compared to face-to-face CBT. … Läs mer!