Säg adjö till stress: Arbetsfokuserade metoder som ger anställda en ljusare framtid

Om man vill hjälpa anställda med stressrelaterade problem; räcker det med vanliga stresshanteringstekniker eller ger arbetsfokuserade interventioner bättre resultat? I dagens inlägg kommer vi att dyka ner i en ny studie vi precis publicerade i Journal of Medical Internet Research. Vi ville undersöka om en arbetsfokuserad intervention ger ett bättre utfall än en mer generisk … Läs mer!

Det finns 11 olika typer av jämförelsegrupper – så väljer du rätt!

Hundratals randomiserade kontrollerade studier har testat behandlingseffekten av olika mobilappar vid psykologiska problem (mHealth). Dessa studier har använt en rad olika kontrollgrupper (t ex väntelista, minimal uppmärksamhetskontroll, psykologisk placebo). Valet av kontrollgrupp påverkar dramatiskt vilka vetenskapliga slutsatser som kan dras från en given studie. Tyvärr saknas helt praxis inom mHealth. Ett av problemen blir att … Läs mer!

Ny studie: Så blir det lättare att hålla nyårslöftet

Nyår närmar sig, en högtid då många väljer att avlägga ett nyårslöfte. Något som kan vara svårt att hålla. Men forskning visar en möjlig väg att lyckas – att formulera om sitt löfte. Hur du formulerar ditt nyårslöfte är viktigt för slutresultatet. Om du väljer att börja med någonting istället för att sluta med någonting … Läs mer!

NEW STUDY: How to succeed in keeping your New Year’s resolution

New Year’s Eve is coming up, a holiday when many people choose to make a New Year’s resolution. They may be hard to keep, but research shows there is one possible way to succeed – rephrase your resolution. How you formulate your resolution is of great importance for the final outcome. If you rephrase your … Läs mer!

Seeking neutral: A Virtual Reality-based person-identity-matching task for attentional bias modification

We just published a new paper on attentional bias modification and social anxiety. The aims of attentional bias modification is to reduce anxiety by attenuating bias towards threatening information. The current study incorporated virtual reality (VR) technology and 3-dimensional stimuli with a person-identity-matching (PIM) task to evaluate the effects of a VR-based attentional bias modification … Läs mer!

Effectiveness of Self-guided App-Based Virtual Reality Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Acrophobia (fear of hights)

Globally, access to evidence-based psychological treatment is limited. Innovative self-help methods using smartphone applications and low-cost virtual reality have the potential to significantly improve the accessibility and scalability of psychological treatments. In the upcoming issue of JAMA Psychiatry we report on the effectiveness of ZeroPhobia, a fully self-guided app-based virtual reality cognitive behavior therapy (VR … Läs mer!

Descriptive usage, uptake and application performance statistics for a first-generation Virtual Reality application

Today we got a paper accepted in Frontiers in Psychology entitled “The potential of consumer-targeted Virtual Reality relaxation applications: Descriptive usage, uptake and application performance statistics for a first-generation application”. Virtual Reality (VR) technology can be used to create immersive environments that promote relaxation and distraction, yet it is only with the recent advent of consumer … Läs mer!

What is so frightening about spiders? Self-rated and self-disclosed impact of different characteristics and associations with phobia symptoms

Spider phobia is a common and impairing mental disorder, yet little is known about what characteristics of spiders that spider phobic individuals find frightening. Using screening data from a clinical trial, we explored which characteristics that spider‐fearful individuals (n = 194) rated as having the greatest impact on fear, used factor analysis to group specific characteristics, and … Läs mer!

1-session virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety: Results from a randomized controlled trial

Public speaking anxiety (PSA) is a common condition which can be treated effectively with exposure therapy. However, inherent difficulties in stimuli presentation and control limits dissemination and the therapeutic potential. Virtual Reality (VR) technology has the potential to resolve these issues and provide a scalable platform for self-help interventions. No previous study has examined whether … Läs mer!