On the measurement of procrastination: Comparing two scales in six European countries

Procrastination is a common problem, but defining and measuring it has been subject to some debate. In a paper that was just accepted for publication in Frontiers in Psychology presents the results from 2893 students and employees in Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland and Sweden using the Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) and the Irrational Procrastination Scale … Läs mer!

Does Internet based guided-self-help for depression cause harm?

Almost nothing is known about potential negative effects of Internet-based psychological treatments for depression. In a new study, that was just accepted for publication in Psychological Medicine we aimed at investigating deterioration and its moderators within randomised trials on Internet-based guided self-help interventions for adult depression, using an individual patient data meta-analyses (IPDMA) approach. Studies … Läs mer!

Combining SSRI and cognitive behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are often used concomitantly to treat social anxiety disorder (SAD), but few studies have examined the effect of this combination. We conducted a study to evaluate if adding escitalopram to Internet-delivered CBT (ICBT) improves clinical outcome and alters brain reactivity and connectivity in SAD. It … Läs mer!

Lower cognitive flexibility does not impede successful outcomes in psychological treatments

Little is known about the individual factors that predict outcomes in Internet-administered psychological treatments. In a paper that was published in PeerJ today we hypothesized that greater cognitive flexibility (i.e. the ability to simultaneously consider several concepts and tasks and switch effortlessly between them in response to changes in environmental contingencies) would provide a better … Läs mer!

Stepped Care Versus Direct Face-to-Face Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder

The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) stepped care model (psychoeducation, guided Internet treatment, and face-to-face CBT) compared with direct face-to-face (FtF) CBT. Patients with panic disorder or social anxiety disorder were randomized to either stepped care (n = 85) or direct FtF CBT (n = … Läs mer!

Brunnsviken Brief Quality of life scale (BBQ)

Measurements of subjective quality of life (QoL) are an important complement to symptom ratings in clinical research and practice. Despite there being several established QoL self-rating scales, we identified a need for a freely accessible, easy-to-use inventory, validated for use with both clinical and non-clinical samples, based on the overall life satisfaction conceptualization of QoL. … Läs mer!

Single-session gamified virtual reality exposure therapy for spider phobia

Traditional one-session exposure therapy (OST) in which a patient is gradually exposed to feared stimuli for up to 3 hours in a one-session format has been found effective for the treatment of specific phobias. However, many suffering from specific phobia are reluctant to seek help and access to care is lacking due to logistic challenges … Läs mer!

Internet-delivered acceptance-based behaviour therapy for generalized anxiety disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is a prevalent and disabling condition which can be treated with cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). The present study, accepted for publication in Behaviour Research and Therapy, tested the effects of therapist-guided internet-delivered acceptance-based behaviour therapy on symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and quality of life. An audio CD with acceptance and mindfulness exercises … Läs mer!

Cognitive-behavioural therapy for concerned significant others of people with problem gambling

Today we published a study protocol for a randomised wait-list controlled trial in BMJ Open. The study is important since about 2.3% of the adult population in Sweden are considered to suffer from problem gambling. However, it is estimated that only 5% of those seek treatment. Problem gambling can have devastating effects on the economy, … Läs mer!

Neuroplasticity in Response to Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder

Patients with anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive neural reactivity in the amygdala, which is normalized by effective treatment like cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Mechanisms underlying the brain’s adaptation to anxiolytic treatments are likely related both to structural plasticity and functional response alterations, but multimodal neuroimaging studies addressing structure-function interactions are currently missing. Methods We … Läs mer!