Congratulations Kristoffer NT Månsson (who defended his PhD thesis today)

Today the psychologist and PhD student Kristoffer NT Månsson brilliantly defended his PhD thesis in Linköping University. The thesis was entitled “Restructuring the socially anxious brain: Using magnetic resonance imaging to advance our understanding of effective cognitive behaviour therapy for social anxiety disorder”. Philippe Goldin from University of California served as an excellent opponent. We, … Läs mer!

For better or worse: An individual patient data meta-analysis of deterioration among participants receiving Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy

During the last decades a number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses have provided increasing support for the use of psychological treatments as a way of alleviating mental distress and enhancing well-being (Cuijpers et al., 2013; Cuijpers, Smit, Bohlmeijer, Hollon, & Andersson, 2010; Hofmann, Asnaani, Vonk, Sawyer, & Fang, 2012). In addition, great efforts have been … Läs mer!

Combining SSRI and cognitive behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are often used concomitantly to treat social anxiety disorder (SAD), but few studies have examined the effect of this combination. We conducted a study to evaluate if adding escitalopram to Internet-delivered CBT (ICBT) improves clinical outcome and alters brain reactivity and connectivity in SAD. It … Läs mer!

En självutlämnande internetterapeut ger bättre depressionsbehandling?

Vi har analyserat 664 e-postmeddelanden i en depressionsbehandling. Mejlen kom från 5 internetterapeuter och skickades till totalt 42 olika patienter. Det är sedan länge känt att internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi kan vara effektiv vid depression. Men för att nå bäst resultat bör det finnas en internetterapeut som vägleder. När Socialstyrelsen rekommenderar internetbehandling står det till och … Läs mer!