Internet Interventions for Adults with Anxiety and Mood Disorders: A Narrative Umbrella Review of Recent Meta-Analyses

Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy (ICBT) has existed for 20 years and there are now several controlled trials for a range of problems. In this paper, we focused on recent meta-analytic reviews of the literature and found moderate to large effects reported for panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and major … Läs mer!

The efficacy of app‐supported smartphone interventions for mental health problems: a meta‐analysis

Today we published a new paper in World Psychiatry (impact factor = 34). Although impressive progress has been made toward developing empirically‐supported psychological treatments, the reality remains that a significant proportion of people with mental health problems do not receive these treatments. Finding ways to reduce this treatment gap is crucial. Since app‐supported smartphone interventions … Läs mer!

Special issue with 4 new papers on treatment using Virtual reality

Today a special issue was published in Journal of Anxiety disorders. A total of 11 papers are included and we are involved in four of those. The most longed for paper is probably the updated version of the classic meta-analysis by Emmelkamp and Powers published in 2008. Trials of virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) for … Läs mer!

Internet-based vs. face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy for psychiatric and somatic disorders: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

In 2014 we published a first study investigating the relative effects of Internet-based vs. face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy. The study was picked up by the Wall Street Journal During the last two decades, Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) has been tested in hundreds of randomized controlled trials, often with promising results. However, the control groups … Läs mer!

Individually tailored internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with anxiety and depression

Mixed anxiety and depression is common among older adults (those 60 years and older). Internet-supported cognitive behaviour therapy (ICBT) has been tested for a range of conditions, and one approach is to tailor the treatment according to each client’s symptoms and preferences. The aim of the study was to compare the effects of an eight-week-long … Läs mer!

Less is more: Patient-Level metaanalysis reveals paradoxical effects

The past decade of research has seen considerable interest in computer-based approaches designed to directly target cognitive mechanisms of anxiety, such as Attention Bias Modification (ABM). By pooling patient-level datasets from randomized controlled trials of ABM that utilized a dot-probe training procedure, we assessed the impact of training ‘dose’ on relevant outcomes among a pooled sample of 693 socially … Läs mer!

Pooled patient-level meta-analysis of children and adults completing a computer-based anxiety intervention targeting attentional bias

Computer-based approaches, such as Attention Bias Modification (ABM), could help improve access to care for anxiety. Study-level meta-analyses of Attention Bias Modification have produced conflicting findings and leave critical questions unresolved regarding ABM’s mechanisms of action and clinical potential. In a paper that was just accepted for publication in Clinical Psychology Review (see reference below) we … Läs mer!

Individually tailored internet-based CBT for adolescents with anxiety disorders: A pilot effectiveness study

This is the first study of adolescents suffering from anxiety disorder in Sweden to receive individually tailored internet-based treatment within a child and adolescent psychiatric clinic. The primary aim of this effectiveness study was to examine the effects of tailored internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents. 11 adolescents, aged 15-19 years, were allocated to treatment after … Läs mer!

Keynote and Workshop in Iran

I just got back from the second international anxiety congress in Teheran (Iran). It was the Shefa Neuroscience Research Center at Khatam Hospital that organized the conference. I was invited to hold a keynote about “Internet and Smartphone Based Treatments Including a New PTSD-Study” and also have a workshop entitled “PTSD and Disasters”. It was a very interesting country that … Läs mer!

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of individually tailored Internet-delivered CBT

A significant proportion of the general population suffers from anxiety disorders, often with comorbid psychiatric conditions. Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) has been found to be a potent treatment for patients with specific psychiatric conditions. The aim of our new study that was published in Behaviour Research and Therapy today was to investigate the effectiveness … Läs mer!