NEW STUDY: How to succeed in keeping your New Year’s resolution

New Year’s Eve is coming up, a holiday when many people choose to make a New Year’s resolution. They may be hard to keep, but research shows there is one possible way to succeed – rephrase your resolution. How you formulate your resolution is of great importance for the final outcome. If you rephrase your … Read more

Lovande behandling av talarskräck med virtual reality i vanlig svensk primärvård

Rädsla att tala inför folk (PSA – Public Speaking Anxiety) är en mycket vanlig fobi. En tredjedel av befolkningen upplever stark ångest i samband med att tala framför publik. Ytterligare en tredjedel känner att social fobi har en negativ påverkan på deras vardag. Flera oberoende studier har visat på virtual reality (VR) som en effektiv … Read more

Virtual Reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety in routine care: a single-subject effectiveness trial

  Virtual Reality (VR) can be used as a therapeutic tool to conduct efficacious in-session exposure therapy by presenting virtual equivalents of phobic stimuli, yet past hardware restrictions hindered implementation in routine care and effectiveness studies. In the current study we examineed the effectiveness of a VR-assisted treatment protocol for public speaking anxiety with demonstrated … Read more

Sudden gains and large intersession improvements in internet-based psychodynamic treatment (IPDT) for depressed adolescents

Sudden gains have often been found associated with better treatment outcome across different psychiatric disorders. However, no studies have evaluated sudden gains in internet-based treatment targeting adolescent depression. Method: The sample consisted of 66 adolescents diagnosed with major depressive disorder, attending psychodynamic internet-based treatment. Effects of SGs were evaluated at posttreatment and 6-month follow-up. We … Read more

Sudden gains – Ett möjligt sätt att förutspå framtida resultat av psykologisk behandling?

Forskningsläget går hela tiden framåt när det gäller att hitta nya behandlingsmetoder för psykiska sjukdomar. Det går också framåt med att utvärdera vilka av dessa behandlingsmetoder som fungerar mer eller mindre bra för olika diagnoser. Något som däremot fortfarande ligger dolt är vilka komponenter det är i dessa behandlingsmetoder som gör dem effektiva, och vilka … Read more

Seeking neutral: A Virtual Reality-based person-identity-matching task for attentional bias modification

We just published a new paper on attentional bias modification and social anxiety. The aims of attentional bias modification is to reduce anxiety by attenuating bias towards threatening information. The current study incorporated virtual reality (VR) technology and 3-dimensional stimuli with a person-identity-matching (PIM) task to evaluate the effects of a VR-based attentional bias modification … Read more

Attention bias & Social fobi – en ny studie testade att bryta den automatiserade ovanan med virtual reality

Svettiga handflator, munnen är torr, hjärtat dunkar i bröstkorgen, benen darrar, “tänk om jag börjar stamma eller gör bort mig”, “nej, jag vågar inte”. Känner du igen dig? Det har i vissa studier beräknats att ungefär 15% av Sveriges befolkning, eller strax över 1,5 miljon människor i landet, lider av någon form av social ångest … Read more

Measuring Alliance Toward Embodied Virtual Therapists in the Era of Automated Treatments

Automated virtual reality exposure therapies (VRETs) are self-help treatments conducted by oneself and supported by a virtual therapist embodied visually and/or with audio feedback. This simulates many of the nonspecific relational elements and common factors present in face-to-face therapy and may be a means of improving adherence to and efficacy of self-guided treatments. However, little … Read more

Measuring Alliance Toward Embodied Virtual Therapists in the Era of Automated Treatments

Automated virtual reality exposure therapies (VRETs) are self-help treatments conducted by oneself and supported by a virtual therapist embodied visually and/or with audio feedback. This simulates many of the nonspecific relational elements and common factors present in face-to-face therapy and may be a means of improving adherence to and efficacy of self-guided treatments. However, little … Read more

Behandlingsallians med virtuell terapeut – nytt mätinstrument

VR-exponering är en form av psykologisk behandling där man använder sig av VR-teknik för att behandla ångest och rädsla. Patienten har en sorts glasögon eller hjälm med bildskärmar för ögonen där en datoranimerad video visas i 360 grader runtom patienten, synkroniserat med huvudrörelserna, så att illusionen av att befinna sig i en virtuell verklighet skapas. … Read more