Nytt formulär: Negativa effekter av psykologisk behandling


Under de senaste decennierna har det bedrivits mycket forskning som ger stöd åt psykologisk behandling vid en rad psykiatriska och somatiska besvär. Fokus har dock nästan uteslutande legat på de positiva effekterna. Det är naturligt att de flesta kliniska studier som görs tar fasta på respektive behandlings positiva resultat, men tyvärr ignorerar majoriteten av behandlingsforskningen … Läs mer!

Problem-solving skills and perceived stress among undergraduate students: The moderating role of hardiness

In a study that was just published in the Journal of Health Psychology we wanted to examine the relationships between problem-solving skills, hardiness, and perceived stress and to test the moderating role of hardiness in the relationship between problem-solving skills and perceived stress among 500 undergraduates from Malaysian public universities. The analyses showed that undergraduates … Läs mer!

Hög stress ger sämre koncentrations- och problemlösningsförmåga hos studenter

Forskning på studenters lärande har visat att stress kan påverka både koncentrations- och problemlösningsförmågan negativt (Uehara et al., 2010). Såväl sociala som personliga och akademiska krav kan vara källor till stress. Det kan handla om akademiska utmaningar, att hitta nya vänner, förändringar i mat- och sovvanor eller att anpassa sig till nya pedagogiska miljöer. Om … Läs mer!

Emotional intelligence moderates perceived stress and suicidal ideation among depressed adolescent inpatients

Because it remains one of the third leading causes of death among adolescents around the world, suicide is a major public health concern. This study, published today in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, was designed in response to this concern by examining the relationships among perceived stress, emotional intelligence, and suicidal ideation and to … Läs mer!

Combining SSRI and cognitive behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are often used concomitantly to treat social anxiety disorder (SAD), but few studies have examined the effect of this combination. We conducted a study to evaluate if adding escitalopram to Internet-delivered CBT (ICBT) improves clinical outcome and alters brain reactivity and connectivity in SAD. It … Läs mer!

Effekten av att kombinera SSRI + KBT vid social ångest – ny artikel i British Journal of Psychiatry

Det är sedan tidigare känt att kognitiv beteendeterapi så väl som moderna antidepressiva läkemedel (SSRI [Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors]) ensamt kan ha god effekt på social fobi. Dock har få studier undersökt effekten av att kombinera dessa. Bristen på kunskap blir tydlig när man läser Socialstyrelsens nationella riktlinjer (se bilden nedan). I en artikel som … Läs mer!

Tidskriften Cognitive Behaviour Therapy har fått sin första impact factor!

Efter 8 år av väntan har nu den vetenskapliga tidskriften Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (ISSN: 1650-6073) äntligen fått sin efterlängtade “impact factor“. En impact factor är en siffra som vägleder forskare och läsare i djungeln av tidskrifter. Ju högre impact factor desto bättre tidskrift. Men långt ifrån alla tidskrifter har ens en impact factor. Faktum är … Läs mer!

The Negative Effects Questionnaire – a new scale for monitoring and reporting adverse and unwanted events in psychological treatments

(C) Jonathan_Lin_Clouds

Research conducted during the last decades has provided increasing evidence for the use of psychological treatments for a number of psychiatric disorders and somatic complaints. However, by focusing only on the positive outcomes, less attention has been given to the potential of negative effects. Despite indications of deterioration and other adverse and unwanted events during … Läs mer!

This makes patients seek help and stay motivated during Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy

Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) has proven to be an effective treatment in improving patients’ ability to cope with tinnitus. However, some patients prefer face-to-face therapy to ICBT, and a few studies have shown considerable dropout rates if the treatment is not guided. This renders it important to identify factors that contribute to the commencement … Läs mer!

Treating tinnitus distress via the Internet: A mixed methods approach of what makes patients seek help and stay motivated during Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy

Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) has proven to be an effective treatment in improving patients’ ability to cope with tinnitus. However, some patients prefer face-to-face therapy to ICBT, and a few studies have shown considerable dropout rates if the treatment is not guided. This renders it important to identify factors that contribute to the commencement … Läs mer!