Beskrivning #
PSP är en validerad skala för att hjälpa kliniker bedöma globala funktionen hos en patient med schizofreni samt att följa utvecklingen genom kontinuerlig användning av skalan.
Graderingen är baserad på resultatet av en strukturerad klinisk intervju som är indelad i 4 grupper a) arbete & vardagliga aktiviteter, b) personliga/nära och sociala relationer, c) förmåga till egenomsorg och d) störande och destruktivt beteende.
Behörighet #
Det rekommenderas att användaren har klinisk erfarenhet inom psykiatri samt kunskap om schizoida symtom och problemställningar.
Administrationstid #
Cirka 10-15 minuter
Respondentålder #
Utländska rättigheter #
Blackwell Munksgaard 2000, managed by Wiley
MAPI Research Trust PROVIDEâ„¢ 27 rue de la Villette 69003 Lyon France Phone: +33 (0)4 72 13 66 66
Abstract originalartikel #
Objective: Development of a scale to assess patients’ social functioning, the Personal and Social Performance scale (PSP).
Method: PSP has been developed through focus groups and reliability studies on the basis of the social functioning component of the DSM-IV Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS). The last reliability study was carried out by 39 workers with different professional roles on a sample of 61 psychiatric patients admitted to the rehabilitation unit. Each patient was rated independently on the scale by the two workers who knew them best.
Results: The PSP is a 100-point single-item rating scale, subdivided into 10 equal intervals. The ratings are based mainly on the assessment of patient’s functioning in four main areas: 1) socially useful activities; 2) personal and social relationships; 3) self-care; and 4) disturbing and aggressive behaviours. Operational criteria to rate the levels of disabilities have been defined for the above-mentioned areas. Excellent inter-rater reliability was also obtained in less educated workers.
Conclusion: Compared to SOFAS, PSP has better face validity and psychometric properties. It was found to be an acceptable, quick and valid measure of patients’ personal and social functioning.
Referens #
Morosini PL, Magliano L, Brambilla L, Ugolini S, Pioli R. Development, reliability and acceptability of a new version of the DSM-IV Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) to assess routine social functioning. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2000 Apr;101(4):323-9
Juckel G. (2014) Personal and Social Performance Scale. In: Michalos A.C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht.