Beskrivning #
Formuläret bedömer graden av paniksyndrom. Detta är en självskattningsversion av originalformuläret PDSS.
Antal items #
Svarsalternativ #
Test-retest reliabilitet #
Svenska översättningen: r = 0,70
Cronbachs alfa #
Svenska översättningen: α = 0,80 till 0,93
Svenska rättigheter #
Översatt av Lars-Göran Öst och Jan Bergström.
Abstract originalartikel #
The interview-administered Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS) has been demonstrated to be a reliable and valid measurement of panic disorder severity. The purpose of this paper is to report on the reliability and usefulness of the self-report form (PDSS-SR). The PDSS and PDSS-SR were administered to 108 psychiatric outpatients with and without panic disorder. The internal consistency of the instruments was analyzed with Cronbach’s alpha. Test-retest reliability was assessed on 25 of these subjects by using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). In addition, decrease in panic symptoms was measured after cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) treatment on 27 subjects. Cronbach’s alpha was .917 for PDSS-SR and .923 for the PDSS. The PDSS-SR had good test-retest reliability (ICC=0.81) and was sensitive to change with treatment, with a mean decrease of 7.3 (S.D.=5.1). The self-report version of the PDSS is a reliable format, which could be useful in clinical and research settings.
Den svenska översättningen av PDSS-SR undersöktes för sina psykometriska egenskaper av M Svensson och medarbetare i en studie publicerad 2019. Studien visade pĂ¥ god intern konsistens och god test-retest reliabilitet. Dock kunde en enfaktorstruktur inte bekräftas. Abstract i studien:
PDSS and PDSS-SR possessed excellent psychometric properties (internal consistency, test–retest reliability) and convergent validity. A single factor structure for both versions was not confirmed. In terms of clinical utility, the PDSS had very high inter-rater reliability and correspondence with PD assessed via structured diagnostic interview. Both versions were sensitive to the effects of PD-focused treatment, although subjects scored systematically lower on the self-report version.
Referens #
Houck, P. R., Spiegel, D. A., Shear, M. K. & Rucci, P. (2002). Reliability of the self-report version of the Panic Disorder Severity Scale. Depression and Anxiety, 15(4): 183-185.
Shear, M. K., Rucci, P., Williams, J., Frank, E., Grochocinski, V., Vander Bilt, J., Houck, P. & Wang, T. (2001). Reliability and validity of the Panic Disorder Severity Scale: Replication and extension. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 35(2): 293-296.
Martin Svensson, Thomas Nilsson, HĂ¥kan Johansson, Gardar Viborg, Sean Perrin & Rolf Sandell (2019) Psychometric analysis of the Swedish panic disorder severity scale and its self-report version, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 73:1, 58-63, DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2018.1554699
Informationens bäst-före-datum #