Integrating virtual realities and psychotherapy

The use of virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) technology in clinical psychology is growing. Efficacious VR-based treatments for a variety of disorders have been developed. However, the field of technology-assisted psychotherapy is constantly changing with the advancement in technology. Factors such as interdisciplinary collaboration, consumer familiarity and adoption of VR products, and progress … Läs mer!

Så bra är Internetbaserad KBT om den förmedlas av psykologstudenter

Vi lever i en tid där människor spenderar allt mer tid uppkopplade mot internet och där sociala interaktioner som tidigare skedde i det verkliga livet har flyttat över till digitala plattformar. Samtidigt ökar också efterfrågan på vård för psykologiska besvär som depression och ångest. I dagens samhälle blir det alltså särskilt intressant att undersöka huruvida … Läs mer!

Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for depression, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder: Effectiveness and predictors of response in a teaching clinic

Though therapist-guided Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) appears to be efficacious for depression, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder, relatively little is known about real-world settings and predictors of treatment effects derived from cognitive-behavioral theory. We examined treatment effectiveness and predictors of improvement in a prospective cohort study where patients took part in 10 weeks … Läs mer!

Ny impact factor för “min” tidskrift

Nu har årets “impact factor” (IF) släppts. Alltså en sammanfattande siffra på hur stort genomslag en vetenskaplig tidskrift har (ju högre siffra desto bättre). Eftersom jag är chefredaktör för Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) så är alltid månadsskiftet juni/juli en extra spännande tid. Förra året var impact factor:n för Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: IF=4.413. Idag fick vi … Läs mer!

Ny artikel i Lancet Psychiatry: beteendeaktivering bra vid depression (medan avslappning kan vara skadligt)

Genom ett stort internationellt samarbete har 76 randomiserade kontrollerade kliniska prövningar mot depression analyserats. De 11704 forskningspersonerna har deltagit i olika typer av behandlingar och varje typ av intervention kan nu enkelt jämföras på denna webbsida: Läs artikel i sin helhet: Furukawa, T. A., Suganuma, A., Ostinelli, E. G., Andersson, G., Beevers, C. G., Shumake, … Läs mer!

Dismantling, optimising, and personalising internet cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis

Internet cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) is a viable delivery format of CBT for depression. However, iCBT programmes include training in a wide array of cognitive and behavioural skills via different delivery methods, and it remains unclear which of these components are more efficacious and for whom. In a study that was just published in The Lancet … Läs mer!

Grattis Rikard Sunnhed som disputerar 14 april!

Rikard Sunnhed disputerar den 14 april på sin doktorsavhandling med titeln “Cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy for insomnia disorder: efficacy, moderators and mediators“. Var med på den digitala disputationen 14/4 kl 13:15 (ingen föranmälan krävs): Opponent: Professor Ståle Pallesen, University of Bergen, Norge. Handledare: Docent Markus Jansson-Fröjmark, professor Per Carlbring och professor Hugo Hesser. … Läs mer!

New meta-analysis on genes and psychotherapy outcome in anxiety disorders

There is a recurring debate on the role of the serotonin transporter gene linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) in the moderation of response to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in anxiety disorders. Results, however, are still inconclusive. In a new study, published today, we performed a meta-analysis on the role of 5-HTTLPR in the moderation of CBT … Läs mer!

The Prevalence and Clinical and Sociodemographic Factors of Problem Online Gambling: A Systematic Review

The emergence and spread of new technologies have allowed for the introduction of new forms of gambling. Problem online gambling has specific characteristics, and its prevalence may differ from traditional forms of gambling. In a new paper, just published in Journal of Gambling Studies, we systematically reviewed studies that include data relevant to problem online … Läs mer!