3 miljoner kronor till forskning om spelmissbruk

På den internationella spelansvarskonferensen “Responsible Gaming Summit” i Mariehamn presenterades en ny forskningssatsning (se Youtube-videon nedan). Det var det åländska spelbolaget Paf som berättade att de inleder ett forskningssamarbete med psykologiska institutionen vid Stockholms Universitet. Samarbetet avser ett fyraårigt forskningsprojekt om nätspel med fokus på gränssättning, kundkontakt och feedback på spelvanor. [youtube]https://youtu.be/HkXT1qe2xpc?list=PLjSGoO_widaac3IktvbYC6VRV5XdTQBxo[/youtube] Forskningsprojektet har sin utgångspunkt i Pafs … Läs mer!

The Development of Balance Retraining: An Online Intervention for Dizziness

This article outlines the rationale and development process for an online intervention based on vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT). The intervention aims to assist adults aged 50 years and older to self-manage and reduce dizziness symptoms. Method The intervention was developed according to the person-based approach to digital intervention design focused on accommodating perspectives of target … Läs mer!

An E-Platform for Rehabilitation of Persons With Hearing Problems

The aim of this research forum article was to describe a feasible web-based solution for improving the quality of life of persons with hearing problems, such as hearing loss or tinnitus. The online platform was developed at the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning at Linköping University, Sweden, and has been running for a number … Läs mer!

Bridging the Gap Between Hearing Screening and Successful Rehabilitation

Studies point to low help-seeking after a failed hearing screening. This research forum article presents the research protocol for a randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing via the Internet to promote help-seeking in people who have failed an online hearing screening. Method Adults who fail a Swedish online hearing screening, including a speech-in-noise recognition test, … Läs mer!

Individually tailored internet-based CBT for adolescents with anxiety disorders: A pilot effectiveness study

This is the first study of adolescents suffering from anxiety disorder in Sweden to receive individually tailored internet-based treatment within a child and adolescent psychiatric clinic. The primary aim of this effectiveness study was to examine the effects of tailored internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents. 11 adolescents, aged 15-19 years, were allocated to treatment after … Läs mer!

Smartphone-Supported versus Full Behavioural Activation for Depression: A Randomised Controlled Trial

There is need for more cost and time effective treatments for depression. This is the first randomised controlled trial in which a blended treatment – including four face-to-face sessions and a smartphone application – was compared against a full behavioural treatment. Hence, the aim of the current paper was to examine whether a blended smartphone … Läs mer!

Smartphone tycks kunna kompensera för färre terapisessioner

För en tid sedan publicerade vi en artikel i PLOS one. I studien randomiserade vi 93 personer som uppfyllde depressionsdiagnosen till en av två grupper. Den ena gruppen fick traditionell kognitiv beteendeterapi med 10 sessioner under 10 veckor. Den andra gruppen fick också 10 veckors behandling, men endast 4 sessioner hos en behandlare. Hypotesen var att om de … Läs mer!

Smartphone app mot social fobi detaljbeskriven i ny vetenskaplig artikel

I veckan publicerades en artikel i tidskriften Internet Interventions som i detalj beskriver vår smartphone applikation Challenger. Idéen med Challenger är att hjälpa personer med framför allt social fobi (som numera egentligen heter “social ångest”). Appen kan användas helt på egen hand, men allra bäst blir det troligen om den används i samband med antingen … Läs mer!

The challenger app for social anxiety disorder: New advances in mobile psychological treatment

This week we published a new paper in the journal Internet Interventions. In the paper we describe the Challenger smartphone application (for treatment of social anxiety disorder). Do you experience persistent fear and anxiety during interpersonal encounters and a disabling fear of social performance? Than you might be one of the nearly 10% of people every year who suffer … Läs mer!